Alysson Ribeiro

Software Engineer

Hello, welcome! Here you can find more information about me and my experience, as well as some occasional blog posts.

  • 2021.01
    Senior Software Engineer

    [ Go Mongo NewRelic ReactJS NextJS ElasticSearch Kubernetes Azure ]

    About the company: Rockspoon is a POS for restaurants, providing a all-in-one solution for small restaurants in California.

    At Rockspoon, I participated in Search, Marketplace and Analytics teams.
    We utilized Go with Mongo for the entire backend. Most of my job was to architect and implement features for web-services.
    Intensive use of Mongo features, such as change-stream, pipeline-aggregation and time-series collections.

  • 2020.01
    Front-end Developer

    [ C# .NET MVVM Websocket WPF Protobuf AWS ]

    About the company: Fluxonaut is a software developed for investors and journalists, with the objective of providing real-time digested information.

    At Fluxonaut, I was responsible for developing the windows and the data processing logic on the frontend.
    There I learned C# and WPF framework for displaying real-time information for investors.
    I refactored legacy code and enhance memory footprint by 30%.
    I also implemented from scratch a pipeline for building and digitally signing the executable.

  • 2019.01
    Full Stack Developer

    [ Go Python ReactJS TypeScript Postgres Prometheus Grafana Kubernetes GCP ]

    About the company: Raccoon is a digital marketing company founded by ex-googlers, providing SEO optimization, business inteligence and engineering projects for customers.

    At Raccoon I first learned Go, Containerization and Kubernetes.
    There I joined from day-1 a video rendering project for segmentation in ads. Using youtube api and google-ads to render different ads for different audiences. We implemented a simple front-end, api and worker connected through a publisher-subscriber to render thousands of videos in parallel on Google Cloud.
    We also implemented a very robust observability with Prometheus and Grafana.